COVID-19 Updates

To protect the health and safety of everyone in our community, our office staff is working remotely.

如需帮助,请与我们联系 via email.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) -采购和合同流程更新



The COVID-19期间的学生安置协议指南 found below are provided to implement guidance provided by the Chancellor’s Office Experiential Learning during COVID-19 Memo issued June 25, 2020. 

2019冠状病毒病给参与这一体验的学生带来了新的和正在出现的风险. As a result, 与学生学业要求的完成有关, 学生们被提供 option of a) delaying training during the COVID-19 pandemic; (b)  training conducted virtually or online if permitted by licensing or accrediting bodies; or (c)  training conducted on-site at a Facility.

These Guidelines are intended specifically for students who voluntarily elect to participate in academic learning activities conducted on-site at selected Facility and require a new or renewal Agreements. 此流程不适用于进行虚拟/远程实习活动的学生. 包含COVID-19语言的修订协议 not 是有效和完全执行的协议所必需的.

The Guidelines shall be used to request new and renewal Agreement both by clinical and non-clinical Program Directors and/or Designees, 包括但不限于, student teaching, clinicals, practicums, internships, service learning, field placements, etc., (“Programs”).

Students enrolled in experiential learning programs should be given a virtual learning option—to the extent allowed by accrediting and credentialing bodies—in order to complete their course work. This should include allied health clinical experiences and education programs (student teaching) if and when possible.

Please review the COVID-19期间的学生安置协议指南 for complete details.



学生债务豁免 (Waiver not Mandatory)

Safety Training (Video)



我们学生的健康和安全, staff, 教师和他们的家庭对我校至关重要. 根据联邦法律, 州和地方指导, 这所大学已经采取措施减少校园内的人数, vendors and contractors delivering goods and performing work on campus shall adhere to the following guidelines:





鉴于当前疫情形势, 我们建立了以下在PeopleSoft中输入紧急申请单的流程.

当输入与COVID-19相关的需要立即关注的新申请单时, 请确保在描述框中输入“CRITICAL”作为第一个单词.


Campuses are required to separately track costs associated with COVID-19 for reporting purposes, 我们创造了一个新的程序代码, COV19 for this purpose. 对于已经建立了程序代码并希望保留它们的部门, COV19 可以用作程序代码或类代码. 请务必使用COVID-19来支付与COVID-19相关的费用.


Please upload all backup and documentation pertinent to your procurement (including email approvals) request in the Header Comments.

PeopleSoft中输入的所有其他申请单应遵循正常流程. 如果你有任何问题请联系玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯,


如果请求者没有访问PeopleSoft的权限, 必须完成一份紧急申请, 请将纸质申请表提交给Maria Hernandez



在购买新设备之前, employees, 与他们的主管协商, shall determine if existing property may be borrowed from their office to help them perform their job from home.

如果员工办公室里没有可以借用的财产, 员工应填写 校园归还授权书[PDF] 并将其转发给他们的主管,主管将代表他们批准并提交. 发给主管的电子邮件将作为员工在表格上的签名. 

校园归还授权表使用说明:填写, 请下载表格并以adobeacrobatreader打开. 填写完后,重新命名并保存表单,在提交之前添加姓氏.

在表单被处理之后, an employee will receive an email with a date for when they can return to campus to collect your items. The employee may not return to campus until they are provided with this return date via email.


  • Webcam
  • 一般办公用品
  • Mouse
  • Anti-slip mat
  • Keyboard
  • Footrest
  • Keyboard wrist pad
  • Chair
  • Monitor(s)

下列物品不得搬离校园:书桌, filing cabinets, printers, desktop computers, 椅子以外的任何种类的家具.


Any purchases of additional office equipment to perform work remotely must follow the below instructions for Purchasing Restrictions and Home Deliveries. 


  1. 目前没有家具被授权.
  2. IT硬件和软件(包括计算机), scanners, printers, MiFi, webcam, 和耳机)不允许送货上门.

如果需要任何硬件和/或软件供家庭使用, 员工必须首先访问IT技术借贷者计划 核实所要求的物品是否可透过资讯科技随时取得. 如果该项目可以通过IT获得, 员工将直接与IT部门合作以获得所请求的项目. 如果所要求的项目无法通过IT技术借阅计划获得, 可以考虑一次性购买硬件的例外情况, 前提是证明和院长/AVP的批准提交给采购和合同部门, Maria Hernandez, Associate Director,


  • 所有物品都被送到校园接收仓库,1000e. 维多利亚街,卡森,CA, 90747,收货仓库
  • 如果物品超过500美元(包括税费和运费), 项目必须由资产管理部门进行资产标记. Once the item arrives at the campus Receiving Warehouse the item will automatically be flagged for tagging.
  • 该项目将交付给IT技术借阅部.
  • 员工必须填写 校园归还授权书[PDF] 通过IT技术借阅计划领取物品. 如果员工不能到现场, the employee and the supervisor will coordinate to allow another individual to pick up the equipment on employee’s behalf, 或者要求寄到员工家里. 请注意,收到送货上门的理由将被要求.



购买金额低于500美元(含税), and shipping costs), 应授权送货上门如下:

  1. Requester shall send detailed product information as well as a brief justification for home delivery to their appropriate administrator for review and approval.
  2. 申请方应提交以下批准:
    • P-card: Requester may proceed with purchase once the approval has been obtained from the appropriate administrator. 在购买IT设备时,请求方必须通过电子邮件确保获得IT的批准 批准必须与p卡对账一起提交.
    • Requisition如果申请人没有p卡,则必须通过PeopleSoft提交申请. Requester shall upload quote and home delivery approval/justification email in the attachment option in PeopleSoft. Buyer will place the order for home delivery and send a copy of order confirmation to requester.
    • Direct Pay:如使用经批准的直接付款类别, requester must submit invoice and home delivery approval/justification with the Direct Pay Form and submit to AP for payment
  3. 校园需要跟踪与COVID-19相关的费用以进行报告. 请求必须在所有请求的图表字段中使用COV19程序/类代码, P-card, 及直接付款要求.

The P-card Policy must be followed.

请与Maria Hernandez联系 获取更多信息、澄清或请求.

Rev. 8/11/20


During these unique times it is critical that we maintain continuity while we work from home. CSUDH in partnership with Staples has implemented a Work From Home (WFH) contingency program that will allow users to get home deliveries at CSU pricing using the university issued P-card. 没有最低订购量限制. 



  • 请提供参加活动所需的所有相关资料. 您将收到与您在校园使用的不同的新登录凭据. 
  • 请登录,创建新密码并确认您的地址正确.  

Once we get thru the pandemic – the WFH contingency program will be deactivated and we will return to business as usual. 

如果您有任何问题或顾虑,请告诉我们. We are here to help. 


Multiple Addresses 

创建帐户后,您只能输入一个地址. To request delivery to multiple locations Procurement must email a request to Staples to enter multiple addresses. 要申请多个地址,请遵循以下流程:

  1. 请为有多个地址的用户提供用户ID
  2. 把所有新地址发给塞布丽娜·罗德里格斯,地址是
  3. 采购部门将向史泰博发送请求,以便输入多个地址

It will take approximately 24-48 hours for the addresses to appear in the drop down of the specific user.


Updated 7/18/20

In light of recent developments with the COVID-19 pandemic where we will continue to operate virtually for the most part through the Fall 2020 semester, our 自2020年8月1日起,p卡月度对账流程修改如下:


  • 所有未完成的p卡对账报告和支持文件/收据, 包括电子邮件批准不迟于9月1日应付账款(A/P), 2020 via email to PCARDRECON@CSUDH.EDU. 此后,本文件应提交给 PCARDRECON@CSUDH.EDU  根据A/P通知的每月到期日;
  • 扫描文件必须清晰可辨;
  • 手机收据的照片是可以接受的;
  • P-card holders shall retain the original receipts for two months after the monthly reconciliation is submitted to A/P; receipts may be shredded after the two month period has elapsed;
  • 那些不能遵守这一程序的人应通知玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯, Associate Director, 采购及合约 MEHERNANDEZ@CSUDH.EDU 完成数字p卡对账提交所需的内容;
  • Any outstanding monthly reconciliation submissions will be reported to VPs effective 9/1/20 and will be processed as a P-card “violation” in accordance with Procurement P-Card Policy found at:  HTTPS://WWW.CSUDH.EDU/PROCUREMENT/PROCUREMENT-CONTRACTS/PROCUREMENT-CARD

Questions regarding the P-card process may be directed to Nicholas Salcido, P-card Administrator at P-CARD@CSUDH.EDU 或胡安·卡洛斯·罗德里格斯,A/P旅行/P卡专家 JCRODRIGUEZ@CSUDH.EDU .


我们将接受通过adobeacrobat进行的电子签名,而不是湿签名. P-card holders or approvers that require assistance with Adobe electronic signatures shall contact Maria Hernandez, Associate Director, 采购及合约 MEHERNANDEZ@CSUDH.EDU.


Please ensure that you are assigning the correct account number for each charge on your reconciliation. 下面是最常见的采购类别及其对应的账号.

  • 660003 -供应和服务
  • 606001 -州内旅行(仅适用于员工和学生)
  • 606002 -州外旅行(仅适用于员工和学生)
  • 660009 -专业发展
  • 660042 – Recruitment
  • 608005 -订阅(仅供图书馆使用)其他请使用660003)
  • 660017 – Advertising


Campuses are required to separately track costs associated with COVID-19 for reporting purposes, 我们创建了一个新的程序和类代码, COV19 for this purpose. 请务必使用COVID-19来支付与COVID-19相关的费用. Cardholders may use COV19 作为程序代码或类代码字段.

Transaction Req COV19


如果账单上有差旅费的话, 持卡人必须包括TI(州内旅行)或TO(州外旅行)号码. Any travel expenses incurred due to COVID-19 shall also have the program code or class field COV19 on the chartfield.

如果你有任何旅行相关的问题,请给胡安·卡洛斯·罗德里格斯发邮件 JCRODRIGUEZ@CSUDH.EDU. 如有任何正规澳门平台十大赌博p卡对账的问题,请与尼古拉斯·萨尔西多联系 P-CARD@CSUDH.EDU.


由于新冠肺炎疫情,办公室工作人员将远程工作. However, in order to ensure that we continue to meet your needs and respond in a timely manner to your questions, 如有查询,请联络以下部门:

有关p卡的问题或疑虑,请与p卡管理员联系 P-CARD@CSUDH.EDU.

有关请购单和采购订单,请联系相应的 Buyer 分配给您的订单. 如果你没有这些信息,请发邮件给玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯 MEHERNANDEZ@CSUDH.EDU.

正规澳门平台十大赌博学生合作协议,请联系Sabrina Rodriguez SRODRIGUEZ@CSUDH.EDU 和尼古拉斯·萨尔西多 NSALCIDO@CSUDH.EDU.